SEMICONDUCTOR DIODES AND APPLICATIONS: p-n junction diode, Characteristics and Parameters, Diode approximations, DC load line analysis, Half-wave rectifier, Two-diode Full-wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier, Capacitor filter circuit , Zener diode voltage regulators: Regulator circuit with no load, Loaded Regulator. BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS: BJT operation, BJT Voltages and Currents, BJT amplification, Common Base, Common Emitter and Common Collector Characteristics, Numerical examples as applicable. INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Ideal OPAMP, Inverting and Non Inverting OPAMP circuits, OPAMP applications: voltage follower, addition, subtraction, integration, differentiation; Numerical examples as applicable. DIGITAL ELECTRONICS : Introduction, Switching and Logic Levels, NUMBER SYSTEMS: Decimal Number System, Binary Number System, Converting Decimal to Binary, Hexadecimal , Converting Binary to Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal to Binary, Converting Hexadecimal to Decimal, Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal, Octal Numbers: Binary to Octal Conversion. Complement of Binary Numbers. Boolean Algebra Theorems, De Morgan’s theorem. DIGITAL CIRCUITS: Logic gates, NOT Gate, AND Gate, OR Gate, XOR Gate, NAND Gate, NOR Gate, X-NOR Gate. Algebraic Simplification, NAND and NOR Implementation NAND Implementation, NOR Implementation.
WHY C IN EMBDDED INTRODUCTION TO 'C' LANGUAGE: Variables, identifiers, data types. Variable definition, arithmetic operators and expressions, constants and literals, simple assignment statement, basic input/output statement, simple 'c' programs CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS AND LOOPS: Relational operators, logical connectives, if statement, if-else statement, loops: while loop, do while, for loop. Nested loops, infinite loops, switch statement, programming ARRAYS: One dimensional arrays: array manipulation; searching, insertion, deletion of an element from an array; finding the largest/smallest element in an array; two dimensional arrays, addition/multiplication of two matrices, transpose of a square matrix; strings as array of characters, FUNCTIONS: Top-down approach of problem solving, modular programming and functions, standard library of c functions, prototype of a function: parameter list, return type, function call, passing arguments to a function, recursive functions, arrays as function arguments STRUCTURES & UNION: Structure variables, initialization, structure assignment, nested structure, structures and functions, structures and arrays: arrays of structures, structures containing arrays, union POINTERS: Address operators, pointer type declaration, pointer assignment, pointer initialization, pointer arithmetic, functions and pointers, arrays and pointers, pointer arrays
INTRODUCTION TO PIC: architecture of PIC16F877A MICROCONTROLLER CORE FEATURES: PERIPHERAL FEATURES: Timers, Capture, Compare, PWM Modules, Analog-To-Digital Converter, Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) With SPI (Master Mode) And I2C (Master/Slave),Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/SCI) ,Parallel Slave Port (PSP) 8-Bits Wide, With External Rd, Wr And Cs Controls Brown-Out Detection Circuitry For Brown-Out Reset (BOR) PROGRAMMING IN EMBEDDED C: I/O Port Programming, Timers, Capture, Compare, PWM, ADC, I2C, SPI, USART, PSP INTERFACING MICROCONTROLLER WITH: Keypad, Seven Segment Display, LCD16x2, Stepper Motor, Servo Motor, PC, I2C Slave Devices, SPI Slave Devises, RFID, ZIGBEE, GSM, GPS, RTC & Etc
CORTEX-M3 BASICS: Registers, General Purpose Registers, Stack Pointer, Link Register, Program Counter, Special Registers, Operation Mode, Exceptions and Interrupts, Vector Tables, Stack Memory Operations, Reset Sequence. CORTEX-M3 IMPLEMENTATION OVERVIEW: Pipeline, Block Diagram, Bus Interfaces on Cortex-M3, I-Code Bus, D-Code Bus, System Bus, External PPB and DAP Bus. EXCEPTIONS: Exception Types, Priority, Vector Tables, Interrupt Inputs and Pending Behavior, Fault Exceptions, Supervisor Call and Pendable Service Call. NVIC: Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller Overview, Basic Interrupt Configuration, Software Interrupts and SYSTICK Timer. INTERRUPT BEHAVIOR: Interrupt/Exception Sequences, Exception Exits, Nested Interrupts, Tail-Chaining Interrupts, Late Arrivals and Interrupt Latency CORTEX-M3 PROGRAMMING: Overview, Typical Development Flow, Using C, CMSIS (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard) EXCEPTION PROGRAMMING: Using Interrupts, Exception/Interrupt Handlers, Software Interrupts, Vector Table Relocation. Memory Protection Unit and other Cortex-M3 features: MPU Registers, Setting Up the MPU, Power Management, Multiprocessor Communication. STM32L15xxx ARM Cortex M3: Memory and Bus Architecture, Power Control, Reset and Clock Control. STM32L15xxx Peripherals: GPIOs, System Configuration Controller, NVIC, ADC, Comparators, GP Timers, USART.
INTRODUCTION ON TO MATLAB: Desktop tool and development environment, matrices and arrays mathematics graphics programming external interfaces CREATING ROBUST APPLICATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS: Create robust applications that withstand unexpected input and produce meaningful errors. Use built-in MATLAB functions and programming constructs, and employ standard techniques for handling error conditions. Use integrated tools to manage code, diagnose problems, debug applications, and measure performance. STRUCTURING CODE AND DATA :Modularize code into readable and maintainable functions. Explore the different function types available in the MATLAB language and the tradeoffs associated with each type. See how function type affects the performance and reliability of the code. Explore choices for storing data within a MATLAB application and how they affect the application's storage requirements and execution time. INTRODUCTION TO GUI: Introduction to graphical user interface. Create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using GUIDE, the MATLAB graphical user interface development environment, and how to create GUIs programmatically. INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING: Introduction to Digital image processing and Image processing toolbox. Fundamentals of image processing using MATLAB and the Image Processing Toolbox software.
INTRODUCTION TO IOT: Why IoT? How IoT is changing the world? Applications of IoT: environmental monitoring, industrial & home automation, transport, medical etc System components of IoT The Thing The Local Network/Sensor Network HARDWARE OVERVIEW OF IoT: The Arduino platform &its programming concepts Different sensors used in things interaction in IoT application development &their interfacing techniques: LDR, photodiodes, Temperature sensor LM35, Ultra-Sonics, Acceleration WORKING WITH ESP8266 WIFI MODULE: Introduction to ESP8266 : WiFi Module/SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack Programming tools to program ESP 8266 Arduino setup for ESP8266 Hardware, pin details and UART communication basics Writing Arduino program for basic I/O interfacing Making ESP8266 web server & locally controlling LED Assessing the sensor connected to ESP8266 through web interface CLOUD PLATFORM FOR IoT WEB APP DEVELOPMENT & CONTROL: Understanding Easy IoT cloud interface, Interfacing ESP8266 to the IoT cloud Accessing the ESP8266 Sensor and controlling lights/devices from anywhere over internet using, IoT cloud
This is what to say to fresh graduates who seeks bright career. I did my Automation course at IPCS Automation Kochi. I got chances to attend interviews and Placed Frasco Advanced Technologies, Japan from IPCS.I recomend IPCS in the field of Training in Automation.
I am a Mechatronics engineer and did my Automation Training in IPCS Automation ,and I got placed in a Company, The training and stas are excellent which enhanced my Skills, Thank you IPCS
I am very thankful to them for giving me the golden chance to start my career with such a nice company. In my job, it was very helpful to done and I can performed more creative.
I would like to thank IPCS Automation for giving me training on automation Tools and proving me a placement soon after the completion of the program, A great place to learn Automation
I am proud to say that I got my placement at Ace. The application i had training upon was purely practical which is equal to the Industrial base control of Electrical Automation,which helps me in my job.
After my graduation I searched for a job but couldn’t, through my friend’ s I came to know about IPCS Automation , I joined for Automation Training, After the completion, I got a placement through IPCS. Thank you!
I did my Automation System Engineer Training @IPCS, The training was 100%Industrial Oriented, the Faculty members were friendly and Skilled, I got a placement also Form IPCS, Thank you!